News & Updates
| | | 8/29/2010 | | I have a backlog of cels to add. Tonight, in memory of Satoshi Kon, I am adding cels from Millennium Actress. | | 3/13/2009 | | Added five more Millennium Actress (they're in order of appearance in the movie, not at the front) and two new series - X and Perfect Blue. The MA cels should be in order, or close to, now. | | 3/10/2009 | | Gallery is now re-opened on RS. Still working on getting the Millennium Actress cels into proper order. | | 8/9/2007 | | Added a new Saitou cel, and it's a bit of a reunion. :) Also, I'm sorry the thumbnails look so bad - I can't find my old template. T_T But the cels are nice anyway. :D | |