Saitou vs. Usui: Chuckles
Source: TV
Layers: 1
Sketches: 1
Cel Number: A3
Standard size
No Background
Added 3/8/2009
*fangirls* *fangirls* Oh, sorry. ^__^ Normally, I pass on sketches for cel shows, but look. LOOK at this man! Isn't he just amazing?? :D Many thanks to Kizu for facilitating the acquisition of this sketch (and a brother to her own cel from this scene (she has the A1)). I know it was hard to send it down... ;)
This is from Episode 49, where Saitou faces down Usui in Shishio's lair after sending Kenshin and the others off. He listens to Usui talk about his "eye of the heart", and then Saitou proceeds to tear apart Usui's whole "plot".
Hot and smart. :D In honor of Kizu's cel, I pronounce this "Chuckles II". (Yes, we give names to our Saitou cels...!)